Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bill: Reunion Photos & Email Addresses

Bill sent an email earlier (7/6/2009) inviting us to view his (or Janice Guice's) reunion photos. If you did not get that email please let him know at Some of the email addresses did not work and he is working on correcting them.

The photos can be viewed here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wallace: Clarification of Mrs. Hodges Name

Wallace - Point of clarification- Mary Martha ran into Mrs. Hodges this afternoon at Kroger in Starkville. Mrs. Hodges says her name is and was Methyl. Her husband was Lethal and they were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hodges. Thus the mystery of the name errors in annuals of our era is solved.

Mary Ann - I have changed her name in the PowerPoint Slide Show.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

BLOG HINT #1 - How to Make or Read a Comment

I know that some of you are new to this blogging business and might be wondering how to make a comment.

At the end of each message is a line that says POSTED BY MARY ANN LITTLEJOHN at TIME - then a number + COMMENTS in grey. CLICK on COMMENTS to read any that are already there or to compose a comment of your own.

Write your message. Below that you will need to type in the funny letters for WORD VERIFICATION and sign the comment either with your Google ID or just the NAME/URL box. You only need to type your name in there. Then scroll down and click PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT.

Janice Guice's Photos from Picnic at Shelby's

See Photos Here.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Photos from Friday Night

Slideshow from the Reunion

The slideshow of the old and annual photos is now ready for download and viewing at your leisure. I published it on my website with a unique URL that isn't link to any buttons on the home page. You will need to click on or copy and past this link.

This is a large file - 29KB. If you are on dial-up, you may want to do this when you don't need your computer for awhile.You do not need PowerPoint to view the show. It should display automatically.